In The Great Gatsby, there are major differences between those three groups of people. Old money is seen as the most respected group because for generations they have been known to be wealthy. Most of them believe that they are better than everyone else because it runs in their blood to be successful. Is is seen as ridiculous and crazy for some one of old money to marry anyone beneath them. They live lives of extravagance and are not familiar with the struggle of actually working hard for what they have. They probably strive for nothing else because on the outside, their lives seem as perfect and as the life that everyone else dreams of.
New money involves people who became lucky and work hard to get what they have. Starting from the bottom and going from tags to riches. Old money looks down on them because of that, because the new money people came from "rags" or nothing to something. That makes them not be at the same level as them. Although, new money seems to be the ones who deserve it because it took them hard work and dedication for it. Everybody else hopes to one day be lucky enough to become part of the new money group. Everyone else is seen as the lowest kind of people who work night and day. They work for the new and old money yet don't get part of the wealth they deserve.