Sunday, September 8, 2013

Arrivals...There goes the neighborhood

A neighborhood, is an area in which different people live near one another. In some areas, the people are familiar with each other because of the years they have spent living in the same area. In other areas, people may have lived there for a long time, yet never taken the time to actually get to know their neighbors. Whatever the case may be, the people in a neighborhood have a level of trust among them which provides them with the feeling of security. Otherwise, why live somewhere where you don't feel comfortable or safe? Now the real problem arises when new neighbors move in.....

When new neighbors move in, everyone wants to somehow meet the new neighbors or get a feel for what type of people they are. During the first few days, the neighborhood is indirectly observant of the newcomers in search of any abnormalities. During the "observation period," some neighbors are brave enough to go introduce themselves to the new neighbors as sometimes portrayed on television when neighbors go greet the newcomers with a baked pie or something similar.

If the family seems peaceful, the neighborhood gets a sense of relief believing that their security will not be threatened. I mean, who can live peacefully with neighbors who are always partying, getti g drunk and having convict-looking friends over all the time? As a good neighbor, the first impression counts alot on your attitude afterwards. If on the other hand, you seem to find yourself living next door to "bad" people, you are constantly on the lookout for any signs of danger. If any are found, it is likely that you will respond immediately in hopes of restoring your peace.


  1. I am very drawn to your word choice, I really liked it.I feel that you really described how we as neighbors feel when someone new comes into our neighborhood and many times I found myself laughing at how true this is :)

    1. Why thank you for your comment :) I'm glad you had a laugh while reading this lol

  2. I completely agree with your paragraph on the "observation period" and I like how relatable this is. How do you think you would feel about new neighbors that have been disapproved by your neighbors?

  3. Thanks! And well, I think that if my neighbors disapproved of new neighbors, I would keep a look out myself in hopes of coming upon my own conclusion of these newcomers. If they seemed to be the type of neighbors I wouldn't want, I think I'd find a way to win them over or learn to ignore them.

  4. Great explanation on how Modern neighborhoods work, but i would really like to hear your opinion how the Native American neighborhoods worked when the colonists invaded.
