Sunday, November 10, 2013

I Celebrate Myself

There are many qualities both good and bad that make me who I am. Every person has a large variety of qualities which I believe, no two people will ever have the same of. I really love the poem by Dr. Seuss that says  "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." This poem helps people to reflect upon how important and valuable they are as a person. Every person is unique and deserves to be celebrates. 
I celebrate the fact that I am the type of person that tries to get along with everyone. I am very open to hear other peoples ideas and personal beliefs. I am the type of person who believes that treating people the way you wish to be treated is the golden rule. I like to try new things as long as I don't hurt others around me. I like to be spontaneous and do new things on the spot. I believe the things unplanned give the experiences that matter and last a lifetime. 


  1. I like your quote by Dr. Seuss and I also agree with you that the golden rule it's an important rule to live life by.

  2. Your quote by Dr. Seuss is awesome! A friend of mine mentioned that there are 7 other people in the world that supposedly look like you. How would you feel if you confirmed this and got to meet one of them?

  3. Great post! I like that you think its important to treat others well, and that you included a quote (and a catchy one at that)

  4. Excellent Blog. That poem is right on target. No one is like you, no matter how similar you might be, you are you.

  5. I love how you included the Dr.Seuss quote! I agree completely with what you said-- how you should be proud of who you are today. What advice would you give to somebody who isn't proud of themselves?

  6. Ahhh, via Stephanie's blog I was reminded that it is your birthday--Happy Birthday!
