A guitar sat in the corner of a man’s room. It was an old acoustic guitar. A guitar which had the shape of a pear, its steep curves perfect for setting on one’s lap. It’s light brown wood seemed flawless yet full of dust. Aside from the dust, there was a shine under it that gave the guitar a new glossy look. The neck on the guitar was long. The strings, also dusty. It was a classic guitar. It sat, on a stand, in the corner of a room. The Pegs were made of steel which were rusting at the edges. The guitar was meant to be played, not just as decoration.
At one point in the guitar’s career, it had been used to create music that would bring an overwhelming feeling of happiness to everyone who heard it. It’s strings had been played across by the hard fingers of the guitarist. The fingers would slide up and down the neck creating melodies that came from within the heart. The sounds that came out of the guitar were so rich, that when one closed their eyes, they could go to their happy place. A place that one visits for comfort, but in this case, a place one rushes to naturally.
The owner of this guitar would take it everywhere. The guitar had traveled all across the country, sharing its beautiful music and touching souls of people that one would probably never encounter again. The guitar would play in the middle of the dark forest, around a blazing fire. It would play its music in front of a church. It would play music in the streets or on train stops, just so that it could share its majestic feel with spectators that passed by, bringing its sweet touch to their ears.
The owner of the guitar had once come to love the guitar much more than anything else in the world. He’d care for the guitar, polishing it, changing its old weared out strings for new ones, not letting any dust build up on its framed. It was kept hanging up on the wall for every visitor to see when they walked in the house. It was the centerpiece of whatever room it decorated.
Now, it lay in a corner. Alone. It hadn’t been touched by anyone in years. It yearned for the day that someone would just take a moment to appreciate the value of it. If the guitar was in the right hands, it could create a spell that enchanted the dead back to life.
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